Monday, April 4, 2011

stop sweating and start living | Big bluff was exposed on Channel 2

Last Saturday night, Channel 2 has published another article in a series of sympathetic articles Hamo who is concerned our enemies.
Together with his partner in crime Danny Kushmaro they went to Ramallah, "to check if the issue is serious," All this business of third intifada on Facebook. Notice the cheap demagogy which they opened the letter by saying, "If the issue is serious" contempt Abaentliganzaia of viewers as if no notice that the story not objective and they are trying to prettify the reality like it is not serious and that 350 000 members of that group of agitators
A third intifada ..
They showed themselves as they walk freely in Ramallah, but everything is staged to see if everything is fine. Go you "walk" out there now and see if you leave and put life ... Also the same Arabs would not return alive but Marble in their interest as soon as these Shlngeshim had an interest, would slaughter Mmizn the Kushmaro fought.
Ohad Hemo wearing black all the time not because his father died, but that's how it is for anarchists mourn the Arab friends.
Article we saw how the enemies of Israel fought the Hyde press and really their friend. Hamou trying to quote what is written Abakbucm inciting a third intifada against Israel as if it were a whole group but we know what the word intifada that this group be called punch meaning picture of what their team.
We all saw the other messages in the group which is not quoted .. If these things of what it was Nissgerat their group.
Not once were terrorists who tried to terrorists operating instructions through Facebook. Unfortunately there are still attacks initiatives such groups and you can bring closure such groups on Facebook for joining his team "I Nimasse attacks."
Operators Group'll be erased India intend to "make noise as possible at the settlers." These are the fan's friend Hamo pressing their hands and making them an image articles. Why Ohad Ben Hamo Danny Kushmaro can not take care of their own people he Shlshuah Jewish babies murdered in Itamar? It's because they are masochists or what?
Natural way apparent but completely staged, Hamo asks his friend "How do you feel? Kushmaro answer him "like a Mediterranean city naive" and without shame they continue to discuss Linz barbarians once did in Ramallah where Israeli soldier accidentally went in there and ate his stomach ... "It's a whole Mediterranean city ... Hamo says he "certainly changed Ramallah" and immediately see a large sign in the background of Arafat with his murderer murderers reproductive side ... Kushmaro ask him what strange with this picture? He fought season yet there are distinctive. What righteous! Literally "brothers together."
They continue to take them proudly waving posters and pictures of Ahmed Yassin and open Kaki breeding murderers ... "Ramallah city naive" ... That's why they came to "protest tent" where they told them they would have a mess ...
Ask tent founders Ohad Hemo Danny Kushmaro move and put the words "you will do us here a mess" that looks a whole city not Ramallah .. Fought fool asked them why they answered him clearly that you are Israeli. Kushmaro explained that fought against the "recording", which means Normlizcaia. But how can that be it against Henourmlizcaia Ray did not you say that Ramallah has changed?
Hamo immediately goes Kushmaro on his good friend Al Aqsa Brigades in Nablus ... Hamo's friend describes the change in "honor" as "horsemen of Leyla" as he described a well-known philanthropist, contributing to the poor and honor to be his friend. Hamo click the bloody hand of the terrorist and called him "brother" and continued to pander to those about whether he remembers it ...
Kushmaro said that "it is surprising that no one knows here who stands behind the Intifada group on Facebook." Really surprising ... ghosts formed the group .. Everyone there at all belong in Ramallah, including the saints abroad are engaged all day in providing charity and charity .. Hamo Kushmaro peak were not afraid to lose their Ahptattiut taken by the enemies of Israel and say, "It's all the Israelis who started the group on Facebook calling for a third intifada." Hamo continues to be improved slander of our enemies and quoted them saying that they are responsible for the murder of innocent babies Matamar.
Hamo fool He added that "the meaning of something good to get a visa that fact that they dissociate themselves from the murder that's good." Thumbs Hamo. Cheap demagoguery that your viewers will not work on Haynatgntim. Certainly not admit that he kills a murder ... They did not disclaim or anything they just try to avoid reality and lie that Israelis murdered. You really expect us to believe that?
Kushmaro says fought Abironiia "Zuckerberg of us lucky to have connections." I'm sorry to disappoint you but you fought Kushmaro not "ours." You used improved our enemies and stand with them about. Do not want traitors among us!
To tell the truth, it seems that Zuckerberg is not ours, it allows the establishment of such groups as that with the huge budgets and personnel available technology, not difficult to put up some work or software you press the word "intifada" or words of this sort of Facebook search engine and every time come up Such a group will delete automatically or manually ... But apparently Mr. Zuckerberg spit on live and let live and the law Ahvenlaomi interesting that only the billions that he has ... Nose all "human rights organizations in light of those groups calling for the destruction of Israel?
Hamo Kushmaro try to discourage us saying these new groups pop up on Facebook so what? If it means we stop pop up to close them? You were dead! We will close these groups Golgaltam Onrocc the emergent faces whenever the ugly! Join our group now on Facebook "I Nimasse attacks" together we can make them last.

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